Thursday, March 20, 2008

Its all good

J'ai découvert, ce soir, par hasard, l'oeuvre de Ray Caesar et j'ai lu, en ligne, un entretien qu'il donnait en Aout 2004 à Retort Magazine . J'aime beaucoup son travail qui jette une pont entre la peinture classique et la peinture numérique. Et, bien entendu, je partage sa conception de la peinture qui, pour lui, est la meilleure réponse à tout ce qui est destruction dans le monde où nous vivons et qui peut se faire de n'importe quelle manière, sur n'importe quel support, avec n'importe quelle technique, l'important étant seulement l'acte qui consiste à créer.

How did you make art before 3D modeling technology came along?

oils, acrylic, sculpture, airbrush, ink, photography ……. its all good... the making of images and objects. I used the first 3d stuff about 17 years ago on a teeny weenie mac with a teeny tiny monitor. Personally I love the challenge of making art with something as coldly technical as a computer, something so many people hate. I still think traditional methods haven’t been fully explored and still love moving paint on canvas or a pencil on paper……. Its all good. I say the best response to all the destruction in this world is to create, use anything and everything, but just create…… I love a Child’s drawing as much as I love a painting by a great master, they both contain a vibrant energy of creative hope. Whether on a computer or on a cave wall, the making of images is a form of communication that allows the artist to express their love, their sense of beauty, passion or rage. I am proud of the long tradition I come from of image makers………. Its all good.

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